

New lures -

Some new Lures added to the collection :)


Spinner Baits - Echuca/Moama

Brendan has been making spinner baits lately...

Fishing Malacoota- Easter 09

Malacoota - Easter 09

Yarrawonga Partners Comp - Saturday 21st March

You know, I considered not even boring you with the details of this weekend but... hey, if you're here you may as well be bored :)

Saturday was an all day comp for partners, so we attended with friends Kristian & Amy, Jason (the Coffee man) and Tracey and Wiggy and Kelly.

we though it might have been an OK trip when within an hour of being on the water Saturday morning Kritian had caught a 60cm and Brendan had caught a 48cm, but this was it for the day. It was still a nice day though and there were some good fish caught (just not on our boats!)

*Click on image to see larger.

Albury - Lake Hume Sunday 15th March

We were in Albury to visit with family, but of course the boat was behind the car and Brendan was making plans for fishing before we even got there.

We went out Sunday morning on Lake Hume (would have gone Saturday afternoon if it weren't for a huge electrical storm passing through) and got a couple of hours fishing in, there were plenty of fish jumping not so many biting, Amy caught a nice little trout cod along the bank near the resort, which was nice to see since in the past Lake Hume has not been known for its Cod fishing.

Barham 7th, 8th & 9th of March

You know those stories... they always begin with "Oh yeah, fish are on the go at *insert town/river name here*" and by the time you get there.. they have all suddenly decided to go off the bite!

Well, this trip was a little bit like that, we had been told there was some good fishing up here, and admittedly it wasn't that bad, but not one legal the whole weekend!

Saturday we went upstream from the caravan park.. the river was certainly different there, narrow but with big wide bends, shallow but with big deep holes and snaggy! we caught nothing, tried grubs, worms, shrimp and lures, not even a look in.

Sunday, Brendan decided to make the trip up to Moulamein, got to the boat ramp and realised he had left the whole container of grubs sitting next to the engel back at the camp site, so had to go buy some... had a guy at the boat ramp telling us that his brother in law had caught 32 cod within 200mtrs or so of the boat ramp... wooohooo we thought, we might be in with a chance?! Nope, I think I lost every hook (and sometimes sinker) that I put on, and Brendan caught a few little babies, to make this trip even more interesting we had on board our youngest daughters.. Amber 9 and Gabby 2... have you ever tried to do a three day weekend fishing trip with kids? there was some under the breath cussing going on in the boat at times!

Monday, we went down stream at Barham, and the river was much nicer! but still no fish, I think these were scarring them away...........


Yarrawonga - Dash for Cash - Feb 21st 2009

We entered the Yarrawonga Dash for Cash, which was a comp limited to 100 boats, 3 heats, shot gun start and lure fishing only...

Sat Morning Heat - 0 fish, Sat Afternoon heat - 0 fish, 'it's OK' we told ourselves we were just saving the big one for the Sunday morning heat when the prize money was better anyway, sure enough at 9am Sunday morning I caught a 64cm Cod, we raced that baby to the weighing station and entered our first fish, this scored us the $500 3rd prize for the Sunday heat.

*Click on image to see full size :)

We ended up with 4 fish in the boat on Sunday, but the other 3 were all undersize. Friends that were there with us caught a nice 65cm cod sunday afternoon amongst others (reddies and undersize cod), just such a pity it wasnt in Comp time.

There are quite a few pics from this weekend, which all in all was a great weekend and also the celebrations for Kristians B'day :)

*Click on image to see full size


Thieves! - Jan 2nd 2009

So a week and a day after getting the boat, also the night after our houseboat holiday finished, Brendan and Uncle Dick went for an evening fish at the East boat ramp, returning to the car at around 11pm, Brendan found his (padlocked) trailer GONE!

Fortunately we had insured it and a quick call to the insurance company put us on our way to getting it sorted, The police's comment "You'll never see that again" comforting isn't it!

So to get it out of the water we had to call a tilt tray, and have them dump it on our front lawn... A huge thanks to Bendigo Marine who helped us out a lent us a trailer in the meantime. To the bugger that did this I hope you one day stumble across this and know this "Karma's a Bit@h"

December 2008 - The Purchase and the biggest fish :)

Brendan had been talking about upgrading the boat for a little while, wanting a "Family Boat" (code for bigger and better) :) So when he came across this one at Bendigo Marine that was for sale as ex demo stock he jumped at the chance, in fact I dont think I could have stopped him even if I had of wanted!

The first outing for the aptly named Bumble Bee was on the Family Christmas holiday at Echuca, We were on a house boat for the week and the boys did enjoy some fishing!

With Brendans PB being caught just upstream of the East Boat ramp, a 89cm 21p Monster Murray Cod, Well it was a monster for us, and hell he was happy as a pig in... you know.

And so it begins.......