
Barham 7th, 8th & 9th of March

You know those stories... they always begin with "Oh yeah, fish are on the go at *insert town/river name here*" and by the time you get there.. they have all suddenly decided to go off the bite!

Well, this trip was a little bit like that, we had been told there was some good fishing up here, and admittedly it wasn't that bad, but not one legal the whole weekend!

Saturday we went upstream from the caravan park.. the river was certainly different there, narrow but with big wide bends, shallow but with big deep holes and snaggy! we caught nothing, tried grubs, worms, shrimp and lures, not even a look in.

Sunday, Brendan decided to make the trip up to Moulamein, got to the boat ramp and realised he had left the whole container of grubs sitting next to the engel back at the camp site, so had to go buy some... had a guy at the boat ramp telling us that his brother in law had caught 32 cod within 200mtrs or so of the boat ramp... wooohooo we thought, we might be in with a chance?! Nope, I think I lost every hook (and sometimes sinker) that I put on, and Brendan caught a few little babies, to make this trip even more interesting we had on board our youngest daughters.. Amber 9 and Gabby 2... have you ever tried to do a three day weekend fishing trip with kids? there was some under the breath cussing going on in the boat at times!

Monday, we went down stream at Barham, and the river was much nicer! but still no fish, I think these were scarring them away...........

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